Siarhei Siamashka
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Discovering instructions scheduling secrets

Knowing the instructions scheduling rules is quite important when implementing assembly optimizations. That's especially true for the simple embedded processors such as ARM or MIPS, which don't typically implement out-of-order execution or where the out-of-order instructions execution is just rudimentary at best. Instruction cycle timings are quite well documented for some processors such as ARM11 or ARM Cortex-A8, even sometimes providing a comprehensive scheduling example. But some processors such as ARM Cortex-A9 are apparently either too complex or maybe just too new to be described in more detail, and the instruction cycle timings information is rather poor (more about Cortex-A9 maybe in another blog post). And some ARM compatible processors even don't seem to have any public documentation at all.

Even having a good documentation, there always can be some ambiguity or omission of the fine details. For example, ARM Cortex-A8 supports limited dual-issue for NEON instructions. But can it really sustain 2 instructions per cycle execution rate on a long sequence of instructions? Another example is accumulator forwarding for multiply-accumulate instructions. Using back to back multiply-accumulate instructions is fine, but will the forwarding still work if an unrelated instruction is inserted between them?

The solution is really simple. In addition to just reading and (mis)interpreting the manuals, it makes a lot of sense to verify every important detail by running some tests and benchmarks. Especially considering, that it is actually not very difficult at all. The easy way to do this is just to create some *.S file and add the sequence of the instructions to be investigated there, placing them in a simple loop. Then compile and run this test program, measuring how much time it takes to run. Very simple. And in order to make it easier to convert time into CPU cycles, it makes sense to set the number of loop iterations to run to be equal to the CPU clock frequency. In this case, the time of execution of the test program in seconds would be equal to the number of cycles spent in the loop body.

Below is a trivial test program (tried on different CPU architectures, not just ARM), which benchmarks the performance of a long sequence of back-to-back ADD instructions. Addition is a simple and fast operation, which typically takes just 1 cycle to provide the result. And because each instruction depends on the result of the previous one, they can't dual-issue. So for most processors (with some exceptions) the performance of this code will be exactly 1 cycle per ADD instruction.


.arch armv7-a
.global main

#error CPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY must be defined

#define LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR   100

        push        {r4-r12, lr}
        ldr         ip, =(CPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY / LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR)
        b           1f

    .balign 64
        add         r0, r0, r0
        add         r0, r0, r0
        add         r0, r0, r0
        add         r0, r0, r0
        add         r0, r0, r0
        subs        ip, ip, #1
        bne         1b

        mov         r0, #0
        pop         {r4-r12, pc}

And the results of this benchmark from ARM Cortex-A8 @1GHz:

$ gcc -DCPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY=1000000000 bench.S && time ./a.out

real    0m5.017s
user    0m5.016s
sys     0m0.000s

A few more explanations about this test program and the interpretation of results. The '.rept LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR / ... / .endr' block repeats the code contained inside it LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR times (more information about gnu assembler macros can be found by reading 'info as'). This helps to reduce the loop overhead so that it becomes insignificant and can be ignored. Unrolling even more is good, though we need to be careful in order not to exceed the instructions cache size. The end result is that the block of 5 ADD instructions is executed CPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY times when running this test program. If the test program takes 5 seconds to execute, then it means that the sequence of instructions inside of .rept block needs 5 cycles. If we had a non-integer number of seconds, then it would mean that something likely went wrong.

Multiple variations are also possible. Earlier I posted some code template for experimenting with NEON instructions scheduling, tailored for tuning ARM NEON optimizations specifically for the pixman library.


.set noreorder

#error CPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY must be defined


.global main
.type main, @function
        li      $t9, (CPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY / LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR) - 1
        addu    $t0, $t0, $t0
        addu    $t0, $t0, $t0
        addu    $t0, $t0, $t0
        addu    $t0, $t0, $t0
        addu    $t0, $t0, $t0

        bnez    $t9, 1b
        addiu   $t9, $t9, -1

        j       $ra
        li      $v0, 0

MIPS74K @480MHz:

$ gcc -DCPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY=480000000 bench.S && time ./a.out

real    0m10.064s
user    0m10.060s
sys     0m0.003s

MIPS24Kc @680MHz:

$ gcc -DCPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY=680000000 bench.S && time ./a.out

real    0m5.040s
user    0m5.030s
sys     0m0.000s

This was a variant of the same benchmarking code for MIPS, which shows that MIPS74K has a higher latency and needs 2 cycles per addition.

x86, and also taking a look at SMT

A similar benchmarking method can be also extended to analyze the efficiency of SMT capable processors (Intel Atom, IBM Cell PPE and friends). Because the resources of a single CPU core are shared between two hardware threads, there can't be 100% scalability and it may be interesting to see how much SMT can actualy help on real or artificial workload. The test program for x86 may look like this:

.intel_syntax noprefix
.global main
.global fork
.global wait

#error CPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY must be defined


        call    fork
        jmp     1f

    .balign 64
        addps   xmm1, xmm1
        add     eax,  eax
        add     eax,  eax
        addps   xmm2, xmm2
        add     eax,  eax
        add     eax,  eax
        addps   xmm3, xmm3
        add     eax,  eax
        add     eax,  eax
        dec     ecx
        jnz     1b

        push    0
        call    wait
        add     esp, 4
        mov     eax, 0

And the results of this benchmark from Intel Atom N450 @1.66GHz:

$ gcc -m32 -DCPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY=1660000000 ht-bench.S && time ./a.out

real    0m6.034s
user    0m6.032s
sys     0m0.000s

$ gcc -m32 -DCPU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY=1660000000 -DTWO_THREADS ht-bench.S && time ./a.out

real    0m9.088s
user    0m18.097s
sys     0m0.028s

When running just one thread, 6 cycles are needed for each 9 instructions from the loop body (ADDPS instructions can dual issue with ADD instructions, so the whole loop is limited only by ADD instructions performance). And two threads need 9 cycles for each 2 * 9 = 18 instructions, reaching the maximum theoretically possible IPC = 2 for this processor.

This particular benchmark is quite interesting, because I used it to verify the hypothesis from some other person, who suggested that at any given CPU cycle, only the instructions from one hardware thread may be processed (either a single instruction or a pair of instructions), but never from both. But just because there are 12 ADD instructions to be executed in 9 cycles and they can't dual issue within a single thread, there is no other way for the processor but to occasionally execute a pair of ADD instructions fetched from different threads simultaneously.

Though there is still something wrong with Intel Atom hyper-threading implementation, because actually removing all the ADDPS instructions from the benchmark program causes performance regression for the multithreaded case. It regresses to 12 cycles per each 2 * 6 = 12 remaining ADD instructions, so hyper-threading becomes useless. Two threads running simultaneously need exactly the same time to complete as would be needed to run just a single thread twice. So those additional extra ADDPS instructions work as some kind of "catalyst" and improve multithreaded performance for this particular code sequence!

But what about the hardware performance counters available in modern processors?

The hardware performance counters are surely useful. And moreover, they have many interesting events monitored in addition to just a simple cycle counter, which surely expose some additional information about what is happening inside of the processor and help to better understand it.

However simple time based tests are just fine and may be preferable in some cases. The most important is when you want to ask somebody else to run some benchmark on his hardware, but the performance counters are not accessible from the userspace by default and that person is reluctant to touch the kernel.

On the other hand, the simple timer based tests described here are problematic when something like turbo-boost is supported by the hardware and is enabled, causing the CPU clock frequency to drift.

Posted on 03 Aug 2011